Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Something amazing.

Hello please. As you may have noticed, there has been somewhat of a draught in my blogging. I'll just be honest with you. I only want to write what I feel someone else will want to read. Like a blog about what I drink every single morning or a blog about toads crossing a busy highway (AUGHHHH!!)* But I have not been feeling inspired lately, or "blogspired", if you will.

I'm in a blog slump.
a frog grump.
a dog rump.

(* a little Ernest allusion for my siblings)


Jeremy said...

Hello please. Only want to write what someone else will want to read? Nonsense. This goes against the cardinal rule of blogging. (cardinal...sniff) The only blogspiration one needs is the ability to move his/her fingers.
Also, methinks you've been lying about how late you've been staying up.

bsilverthorne said...

Hello Please! I am one of your most avid viewers. I come back day in and day out to read. Lately there has been nothing. Nothing but the blinking sign at Pappasito's, stuck in a never-ending loop, trying to break free, always looking for something new, not able to travel in anything other than a circular motion, going round and round, like a merry go round, like a record, you spin me right, round, baby, right, round, like a roller-caoster with no breaking mechanism with which to stop you as you come back into the area where you got on the roller-coast, or a ferris wheel with no Carnie with which to operate its gears..........

See Hello Please, you need no reason, just the ability to move your fingers. Heck.... I heard Stephen Hawking even has his own Blog. So suck it up. You have fans to consider, and a set of useful fingers. .......Hello!........Please?

Amy Butler said...

Hello, please. I don't know where my mind was! On looking back at past blogs, I now realize that writing something worth reading has NEVER been my objective. For example:

The buildings are changing into coconut trees, (April 16, 04)

My birthday's on a Friday, (June 14, 2004)

Something amazing, (Oct 20, 2004)

The list goes on and on. I guess the answer is to just keep doing what I was doing. Thank you, Bart. Thank you, Michael.