Sunday, April 13, 2008

Time to eat cookies!

It's morning.
Cookie Monster: "Good time to eat!"
It's a good time to eat breakfast.

It's playtime.
Cookie Monster: "Good time to eat!"
It's a good time to eat a picnic lunch.

It's afternoon
Cookie Monster: "Good time to eat!"
It's a good time to eat snacks

It's evening.
Cookie Monster: "Good time to eat!"
It's a good time to eat dinner*.

It's nighttime.
Cookie Monster: "Good time to eat... COOKIES!**"

*The book says "dinner", but if you read it that way, Jack will correct you by saying "supper."
**It's important for kids to learn to sneak cookies into their room to eat after their parents are asleep.


Anonymous said...

oh my gosh. that's awesome.

DREW! said...

Also important is for a child to choose his own path at an early age; whether he will refer to the evening meal as "supper" or "dinner."

Trent said...

There is a line in "The Cat in the Hat" that says, "And I do not like it, not one little bit!" If you read it to him and say the word "bit" at the end, he will tell you not to say that word, because it makes him feel nervous.

The linguistic battle that pits "dinner" vs. "supper" deserves its own column. I think we all know who the clear winner in that fight would be.

Silverthornes said...

very adorable! I love how he says "THE END" in cookie monster voice. Can't wait to see him in June.