Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Little bits

A couple of days ago, the weather in Casper finally reached 60 degrees.... for the first time this year. But when I look on the weather for tomorrow it says "Rain/Snow."

I've decided that a baby can't do anything more pathetic than crawling and crying at the same time.

Yesterday Jack experienced his first rejection from a girl. He was happily waving at his friend Mady, who is his age, and said "Hi, Mady!" She looked at him and said "Don't talk to me, Jack."

My heart melted the other day when Jack gave me a big hug, sighed, and said "my friend."

To me, these are the cutest things in the world:

-Jack reading this excerpt from the book Big Red Barn: "...with some little puppy dogs all round and warm."

-Evie waving.*

-Jack singing "Rudolph the Red-nosed-reindeer"-- particular this part: "...had a very shi-NY nose!!!"

-Evie's chubby little legs.

-Jack standing at his gate in the morning greeting me with "Good morning, Mommy!!"

-Evie, while sitting in her high chair, kicking her legs in excitement when you walk into the room.

-Jack making Evie laugh by tackling her with hugs and tickling her.

That is all.

*For those of you who do not have Flickr accounts, or are else not one of my Flickr contacts but would like to be, give me your email address. Most of my pictures are private and you can only see them if you have a Flickr account.


Libbo said...

You made me cry.

AnnaJ said...

I don't know WHAT I'm going to do when I have children. My heart almost burst from Jack's being shut down. The pain! I can't only imagine his confusion.
