Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Leapin' lizards!

You know those moments in life where you feel like you should do something, you hesitate, the moment is gone, and you regret your decision for the rest of your life? Well, I do.

Today, I was in my car talking to Jeremy. I parked and I noticed a small green lizard on my windshield wiper. My first thought was "Oh man!! I could totally make that little guy fly!" But I was too taken in by him. I couldn't stop watching him, sitting perfectly still, his tiny ribs showing with each small breath. He sat there for about a minute, and I just sat there watching him. My hand was on the windshield wiper switch. But I didn't do it.

Moral: Don't let life pass you by. When you see an opportunity, seize it. For the love of mercy!!! Seize it!!!


DREW! said...

"You don't want to wonder about the soup that could have been."

bsilverthorne said...

You are sooo right. Cats will no longer have the upper hand! Never again will the frisky feline galavant near my abode! They must be spayed. Now, where is my slingshot and some pepper spray? Freakin homo felis.

Jeremy said...

Just so you know, I found that lizard and squished him. So your failure to act did him little good in the long run.

DREW! said...

Come on, Amy. "Keep on Blogging in the free world!" While I have never seen that in the blogging community, I feel it should be someone's subtitle to their main page.