Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Here comes the son.

Well, it turns out that 11 of you were right. We are having a little boy! I don't know what it is that can make a mother feel so certain that she's having one gender or the other, but I felt so positive about this baby's boyness, that I would have been shocked if it had been a girl. Anyhow, we are very excited. More than anything, we are excited for Jack to have a little brother. Also, we are glad to help even out the boy/girl ratio on my family's side. This will make grandson #3 out of eight grandchildren. I'm thinking that Andrew and Charlotte will be providing the next boy. I mean, it IS their turn.

The pictures from our sonogram aren't very good. There are some pretty decent shots of feet and hands, but I was very sad when the little fella wouldn't show his face. Maybe he's shy. Anyhow, here are some pictures of our perfectly healthy looking baby (many thanks, God.)

Here's a foot:

Here's a shot of his face straight on. Again, not a very good shot, but you can see (or maybe YOU can't)that he has a chubby little cheek on the left side of his face.

A tiny little fist:

Here's his profile shot. Not very clear, but at the top, you may be able to pick out a little nose, and lips.

And finally, the tie-breaker shot:


Mrs. Sweet Line said...

Yay, yay, yay! Those are good pics! We only got an entire body profile pic and the female anatomy pic. But we did get a DVD of the whole show as well. Anyway, now you need to get a peepee teepee as recommended by Mrs. Juicebox, that is, if you don't have one already :)

Libbo said...

Yippee!!! Another boy! How awesome. I bet Jack is thrilled! Congratulations!

Scatter Sunshine said...

Woo Hoo for Boys!

Amber Lee said...

I knew it!