Friday, August 01, 2008

Hello darlin', nice to see ya...

Well, I know it has been a while, but I'm hoping to start up my blogging again with some sort of consistency. I don't think I've officially announced it on my blog, but we are expecting our third child! My due date is January 9th (coincidentally, the kids' aunt Jenna's birthday.) Pregnancy has been the reason for this blog scarceness. Jack and Evie's nap schedules keep me from napping, and by the time they are in bed at night, I usually just want to relax next to Jeremy on the couch... and the go to bed early.

I guess I have also been in a sort of slump for another reason. A month or so ago Jeremy put in for a transfer back to Texas. I think I really checked out of Casper early, thinking it was going to be a pretty sudden thing. Now here we are, still in Casper, no calls or anything like that. We still feel like it will happen, but I had gotten myself too excited into thinking it was happening soon. That combined with the exhaustion of my first trimester, I sort of gave up on Casper. Anyhow, my second trimester is here, I'm not nearly as fatiqued and I have really been trying to make more of our time here, whether short or long-term.

One reason I really need to jump back on the blogging wagon is that I have often used it to refer to Jack's milestones. Here Evie is growing up like crazy and I haven't been posting any of it. Well, I hope to change that.

Jack has been changing a lot. He's becoming more creative and imaginative. Evie has really gotten a lot more expressive and affectionate. She and Jack will run around the house screaming with each other and laughing. It's been pretty fun watching them play with each other. Jack loves on her so much and every once in a while, Evie will come up to Jack and lay her head on his back and kind of pat him. It's very sweet. Anyhow, they are too much sweetness and greatness and it takes a lot to keep from kissing them all the time. I can't imagine having another one as great as they are, but God is always astounding me.

So I guess I'll post some pictures and videos since that is my way.

Here is a video of Evie eating her birthday cake. Way overdue, but I mainly wanted to post it for the grandparents.


Mrs. Juicebox said...

Oh my gosh it's like duplie pregger fest!! Congratulations Hermie!

I would be scared about what this seeming sweep of pregnancies might mean for me, but since we just got the house I don't think God would play that trick just yet:)

My Jeremy and I love watching the videos you post of the kids, they are so freaking cute, it makes us excited for the future. The far distant future.

Also, yay Texas!

Amber Lee said...

I am glad that you posted! I have been wondering what you guys are up to! I am glad to hear that the pregnancy is progressing well. Sorry to hear that Jeremy has yet to be transferred. I had been wondering what was happening there. You need to give me a call, I haven't talked to you in so long!

Silverthornes said...
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Silverthornes said...'s been a long time, you're just as lovely as you've ever been!

This video is adorable!!! I loved the first picture as well. You truly have great looking kiddos! I am so proud to call them niece and nephew. I am sure it kills your head to see them be so loving and cute together.
I also loved your picture montage in your dining area. I am loving that Aunt DD is there at eye level for them while they are sitting in their chairs. Love ya!

Mrs. Sweet Line said...

Wow, I can't believe how much Evie's grown up since we saw her at Christmas! We're hoping we can swing a visit up there before Kiwi comes and before ya'll move yerselves back to good ol Tejas. I'll call you soon...