Jeremy and I were sitting on our couch last night and all of a sudden a DEER walked right by our patio! Jeremy saw him first and very casually said "Hey, look." I started freaking out and grabbed my camera. Sadly he didn't think our patio was interesting enough for a visit, so by the time I got out on the patio he wasn't very close. He did look back at me for this picture though. Nice of him. I looked to the left to see if there was another deer and I saw one! But actually it wasn't a deer. It was an old outdoor grill.
Today I took Jack and Evie to my favorite park here in Casper. Now, some of you will recall a post back in May of a bizarre park experience we had. Well, what happened today, wasn't quite as bizarre, but it may give you some insight as to why I'm not that fond of Casper, or rather, the vast majority of people in Casper. Jack was wandering around the play area when I heard these kids yelling at their Mom, "These kids keep throwing dirt at us!" The mom stands up, trying to figure out who threw dirt at her kids. I sort of expected a polite "Ma'am, your son is throwing dirt at my boys." Instead, what came out of her mouth was "Lady," (in a furious voice) "your kids are being a pain in the a**!" Then she yells at her boys to go play in a different area of the park because those other kids are being such (profane adjective expletive) idiots.
As Jeremy and I were driving around Casper the other day, I realized that it is a pretty town. I told Jeremy "you know, if I didn't hate Casper so much, I would really love living here." I think that my original hate for Casper was a direct result of none of our family living here. Moving to Casper= Moving away from family. Since then, I'd like to think that I've given it a fair chance, but I feel like every time I go to the mall or to a park, there are people there determined to make me hate Casper. Anyhow, I just wanted to share that little park story because I was really blown away by a mother talking like that in front of her kids and other kids, and really just talking like that at all. Women like that really make me feel like one classy broad.
And now, some pictures:
Thank yoy - I needed those!!
When I see the picture of the old grill it reminds me of the neighbors that we had in Arkansas. Among other things, he would let his grass get so tall that he mowed it with the weed eater.
Kind of creepy that an unidentified commenter would need to see pictures of your children.
Great pictures. I can't believe you got a good smile shot of Evie before I could get one of Alex.
I guess the park incident just proves you can't escape the surge of redneckism in America, no matter how far you may roam.
Thanks for all your fine blogs. Aunt Jeal and I really enjoy reading them. Jack and Evie are beautiful. We miss getting to see you at Grandmother's. There seems to be quite a few uncouth and rough people out there. What have you found at church? Surely, there are some good gentle people who love the Lord out there somewhere? How are you keepint the Lord's Day? Tell me about your church if you don't mind. Uncle Steve
Hi Steve!
We have found a church-- there weren't too many to choose from here in Casper, but we do like it and we're soon going to join a small group, as that seems to be the only way to meet people in a large church. So far we haven't really made many friends-- that has never really been mine and Jeremy's strong suit (unfortunately).
I'm glad you're able to keep up with us through our blog. I don't know when we'll be able to, but we both can't wait to come back to Tennessee to visit, and for y'all to meet Evie. Especially Grandmother since Evie is her namesake!
Oh, and I'm not positive, Drew, but I think that anonymous comment was T-Bird. I'm just guessing because she has been getting on to me about not posting pictures.
I thought T-Bird was down with Flickr?
She is but I posted these pictures on my blog before I put them on Flickr.
She is so cute, Amy!! What a cute little button.
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