Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Dum Ditty, Dum Ditty, Dum, Dum, Dum.

This makes Jack laugh:

This makes Jack cry:

When we read "Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb" to Jack, he always laughs at that first picture. It cracks me up how amused he is by a picture of a monkey standing on top of another monkey's head.

Last night, Jeremy and I were watching The Soup, and this guy came on the screen and Jack start crying in terror. He was absolutely terrified and frantically reaching for Jeremy to save him. Only when we turned the TV off did he calm down.


Anonymous said...

Amy - I was so surprised to look at your blog and find a book that I totally loved when I was a kid. I have been trying to tell my sister about that book for months, but she did not believe that it existed, and now I have proof. Thanks! Libby

DREW! said...

If seeing Constantine Maroulis makes Jack cry, well, I'd say you guys have done some excellent parenting to this point. Kudos to youdos.