Sunday, February 26, 2006

Three Lives

A comparison of the early life experiences of Jack, Alyse and Aubrey.

(Make sure and use the scroll at the bottom or you'll miss out on Aubrey's pictures.)


The Wrathful Buddha said...

Man, You put alot of production into this. Good work. Why was this posted twice? Was it for the simple reason of telling people to scroll to the right? If so, you must think people are pretty dumb...If so, you'd be right.

Also, this picture montage all supports my theory that babies don't like to bathe, and that Germans love David Hasselhoff.

DREW! said...

Kudos to you for this. God bless you, Robin 'ood.

Anonymous said...

i don't know if any of you know me besides dre, but i LOVED this blog entry! megan bender, my sister, emailed me the link. awesome. just awesome. -colleen