Tuesday, February 14, 2006

...he lead the others with a "quack, quack, quack."

This is Jack's new thing: sticking his tongue out. He has been doing it randomly for a while now, but recently he has started sticking his tongue out basically every time he smiles. I think it may be because he just grew a new tooth, which is on the bottom next to his first two. Anyhow, it's pretty cute.

This blog is mainly serving as an update on Jack. He's sticking his tongue out, he just cut a new tooth, he now weighs 17 lbs 6 oz, and is 25 3/4 inches long. He just (and I mean today) started really jumping in his Jumperoo (i'll be posting a video soon.)

We got back the other day from visiting our sweet little niece Alyse ( i love that those words rhyme.) It was neat seeing the two little cousins together-- and seeing Andrea, about to pop with the third little cousin. It was cool because after we left Longview, we stopped in Nacogdoches to see the Gunters, and it was so cute because Andy (now two years old)was making Jack laugh so hard-- harder than I've ever heard him laugh. It got me really excited about seeing Jack with his little cousins when they are old enough to laugh. For some reason babies like to look at other babies. It's almost like Jack felt like he finally had a friend who could understand him.
So yeah, I'm really excited about the three cousins hanging out. And with that, I'll leave you with this picture of Jack trying to figure out what Alyse is all about.

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