Monday, February 06, 2006

Jack don't roll that way.

As you all know, Jack has become quite the little rollin' baby. I was looking up info on baby development yesterday, and made a shocking discovery. Jack started rolling around 3 1/2 months-- and that is normal, even a little earlier than most babies. The shocking thing is that most babies first learn to roll from tummy to back first-- and then later (maybe five to six months of age)will learn to roll from back to tummy. But that is the only way Jack rolls. Normally I would think this is due to Jack's super baby intelligence, but since he only knows how to roll back to tummy, I think his mind just works differently than most babies...or maybe he just likes being different...or maybe he's just rebellious-- like he only rolls onto his stomach because I put him on his back. Maybe I should try to use a little reverse psychology. Perhaps if I put him on his stomach he'll be like "what? lady, I don't want to be on my stomach!" Anyway, he gets pretty tired when he is on his stomach for too long-- but it's funny because I'll roll him over onto his back and he'll just roll back over to his stomach and start crying. Crazy kid. Anyhow, just wanted to update you all... he's still awesome. Duh.

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