Wednesday, December 29, 2004


Jeremy said...

I can't help but wonder how this picture came to be... That cat looks too small to be able to jump and grab hold of the baby butt, even though the jump requires minimal height. So perhaps the baby was "sittin' on the kitten" and then stood up. And when babies sit down, they usually do so with a bit of force. I bet this hypothetical kitten squash attempt would be humorous in and of itself. Still, the inherent humour of the kitty clench remains.

Amy Butler said...

Perhaps the kitten was already on the baby's clothes when his mother put them on him? This seems likely. That kid doesn't look like he would notice much going on around him. I'm pretty sure he has no idea about the cat.

DREW! said...

More likely, I feel, is the kitten trying to fish a free meal out of that kid's Pampers. You know how cats love the froop.