Monday, February 02, 2004

Here's Sprite in your Eye.

If you think I have nothing better to do than to tell you about me loading the coke machine, then, well sir, you're wrong. So... as I was loading the coke machine, I had a couple of "incidents." Before I tell you what happened, I must describe a few things about the coke machine. Well, you all know of the big door you have to open to get into the coke machine. Well, after you open that door, there is a swinging gate like thing guarding the cokes to prevent them from jamming the machine. Anyhow, I had this gate open and was grabbing one of the packs of Diet Dr. Pepper (blegh)-- and i accidentally hit the edge of the gate and cut my thumb. It hurt and bled a little, but I persevered. I then proceeded to grab a pack of Sprite and all of a sudden Sprite started squirting everywhere (apparently, I had knocked one of the Sprite cans into the sharp edge of the gate.) It first sprayed directly into my eye, causing me to yell "SHNAP!!!" Then, blinded by the Sprite, I continued to hold the pack in my hand, allowing Sprite to spray in every direction. I then had to clean off all the cans and then clean the floor. So, this morning didn't start out so hot. I'm guessing it can only get better. Here's hopin'.

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