Monday, October 20, 2003

"Combines the thrills of an extreme outdoor activity with the satisfaction of a well pressed shirt."

It's pretty rare that I am in a creative/witty mood while I'm at work. Sometimes I feel like sitting at a desk and staring at a computer for eight hours drains me of my creative energy. Even now as I am sitting here, I am trying to think of something interesting to write about in my blog, but alas, I can't think of a thing. Nothing. Well, I did write three sentences on my lack of creativity. That's gotta count for something. Right? RIGHT? Here's something. Earlier, I bit the inside of my mouth while I was eating. How does this happen? How long have I been eating things? About twenty-one years or so? And yet I still bite my lip just from chewing on a wee little skittle. "Wee little skittle" is a cute thing to say. So is "mittens." Mittens are just all around cute, though. You put mittens on kittens and you've got something.

I've decided to keep track of random/funny things I hear throughout the day. Yep. The other day my boss said something really weird (but hilarious to me) and I can't remember what it is. Anyhow, I decided it would be fun to write those things down before I forget. Then, after I have collected enough, I will share them with you. Yes. I would do that for you.

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