Thursday, October 16, 2003

3:16.....3:17.......HURRY UP CLOCK!

I think that the longest part of a work day is that between 3 o'clock and 5. I am sitting at work, feeling very tired b/c of the lack of work I have, and the clock is torturing me. You know it is bad when you look at the clock 3 times while it is still on the same number. I swear I got about 6 looks in on 3:20. That's gotta be a record.

Anyhow, I don't feel very much like typing a blog, but I thought that it might help keep me stay awake. Here's hoping.

Man, Anna. If you are reading this... You have the biggest tease of an answering machine message. The first thing you say is: Hello (or is it hi?)-- and it has this strong hint of recognition in it, so that EVERY single time I call, I think "Yay! she's there and she's happy that I called." But this isn't so. So Anna, if you're out there, give my poor heart a break. For those of you who aren't Anna, your answering machine message is fine. Or is it?

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