Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Would you eat your hair if it smelled like strawberries?

Jeremy and I are going to move to Casper, Wyoming sometime mid-December, so right now we are in Casper for 10 days (well, 8 now, since we've been here for a couple of days already) looking for a place to live.

Let me rephrase...

Jack and I are in Casper. We all got here, Sunday, and when Jeremy went to work on Monday, his boss told him that he and the other new guy were leaving that afternoon to go on a job... for two nights. I've been hit with a few harsh realities this week, and one of them is that Jeremy's job is going to be like this. Unpredictable and sometimes long trips away from home. I know 2 days isn't a long trip, but I just wasn't prepared for it.

Today Jack and I went to the local Applebees here in Casper. As I was eating, a waitress was walking by me with some sort of strawberry drink, and right then, my waitress bumped into her, which resulted in her spilling the drink all in my hair and down my back. The waitress that spilled the drink made a sound of horror, while I was trying to decide if I should be embarrassed or not (which I decided against.) So the waitresses ran to fetch napkins and such to clean up the mess. Meanwhile, the slew of other diners were looking at me commenting on the mess (while one man actually complained about the little bit on his shoe.) A Christmas-sweater-clad lady seated behind me said "Ma'am... some of the drink got in your hair." It was hard not to be rude (especially since she was so sweet), as I would have to be comatose not to realize a drink had been poured on my head. I just kind of smiled and said "yes, I can feel that." Hmmm. That was kind of rude now that I think of it, but maybe she was understanding, considering the circumstances. Her husband was very kind to me. He got a napkin and started wiping off the back of my hair/jacket. "Well," he said, "I got all the chunks off your back."

I really wasn't upset at all. I actually felt kind of bad for the girl because she seemed to feel so bad. My waitress was pretty apologetic, which I really thought would lead to them compensating me in some way. The manager came up to me, and I was sure she was going to say "we're so sorry... your meal is on the house." But all she said was "if you have any trouble getting that out of your clothes, feel free to send us the cleaning bill."

So, I finish my meal, and my waitress brings the check and says "I'll take care of this when you're ready." The only thing she took off was a couple of dollars from Jack's sandwhich. (I don't know why. HE'S not the one that got a drink spilled on him.) I'm a little surprised by this, and I'm wondering now if it's because maybe things are different in Texas. People actually care about their customers being happy and coming back to their restaurants. I don't know if that is the reason. Anyhow, to add insult to injury, my waitresses didn't refill my drink the whole time I was there. She brought me my check before I was even close to done eating and she didn't even realize my empty glass then. I eventually had to ask her for a refill. Then she took my credit card but forgot she had it. She kept walking by me like she was waiting for me to pay my bill. Finally I said "don't you have my card?" She said "Oh yeah!" Is it rude that I did not give her a tip? I really couldn't even bring myself to do it. I have never not left a tip, but I made an exeption.

Here's a tip. Serve your customers!

Also... don't spill drinks on their heads.


Anonymous said...

amy this is soo sad!! not to mention rude!! i can't believe that! i would of complained big time. i wouldn't of tipped her either, don't go back there!

Amanda said...

dear sweet amy....see i told you bad things happen when you cross the borders of our great state, you, Jeremy, and Jack come home now!!!!Oh and I am awful curious as to Jack's reaction to the Applebees fiasco!

DREW! said...

The fact that your meal was not gratis brings me to the sole conclusion that various employees of the food service industry in Casper, Wyoming can afford not to care about repeat business because they assume anyone eating in their restaurant is merely passing through.

Either that, or else they're just stupid.

P.S. Send them a fictitious cleaning bill for the exact price of your meal. That'll learn 'em (to bust my termator!)

Anonymous said...

Since moving to Montana, I have noticed a decided lack in service when eating out. All my friends from the south up here agree with me. I don't know what to tell you, but good luck!

Silverthornes said...

Amy, I love the philosophy about do unto others but honestly, I would feel bad if someone gave me a tip after I drenched their hair with strawberry something or other. If you really wanted to be a biznotch, you could have asked if you needed to pay for the strawberry drink that you had...IN YOUR HAIR! man, I wish I would have been there, I would have told them a thing or two and you would have walked away with not only NO BILL, a heated towelette and a gift card! yaya, I would have given them the old what for! I would have taken them all out, just like the time you took up for me when the chick dislocated my shoulder in highschool, man you really showed her who was boss (caught on tape)...stupid chick, I think of her everytime my shoulder pops in and out of place.

Trent said...

That's astounding....but I guess in the bustling metropolis of Casper, WY, they need all the positive cash flow they can get. As Drew has already pointed out, what will they care if the patron is egregiously treated? They're probably on their way to somewhere else anyway. It's kind of like the way you get treated at Wal-Mart. The cashiers don't look at you, clerks mearly pont in the direction of the item you ask for as they briskly walk away from you. How many times have you said under you're breath, "I HATE Wal-Mart, and I'm never coming back." Only to find yourself back the next day because they have the best price on a 6-pack of Charmin. Amy, may you, Jack, and Jeremy have all the warm, Southern customer service that would normally go to me. It's my Christmas gift to you.