Wednesday, May 04, 2005

En Garde!

I just learned after all these years that when I thought people were saying "on guard!" they were really saying "en garde!" It's not even really that important, you know, because on guard is the English translation of en garde, and in the end they both sound the same.

It's just that I feel so disillusioned.

Oh well.


DREW! said...
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DREW! said...

This concept of malapropisms always makes for hilarious locales and situations. Actually, last week I was browsing through my Theories & Techniques of Child Counseling textbook in class, wherein the author is wont to cite transcripts of actual case studies. Of particular interest, was a therapist interviewing a 6 year old girl who believed there was a monster living in her closet. When the therapist asked, "Do you believe in monsters," the little girl replied, "Yes. But my dad says they're a pigment of my imagination."

Jeremy said...

When we were kids, Jordan would always follow his "en garde!" with a hearty "THINK garde!!" I never knew what he meant, and he probably didn't either. Odds are he just thought it sounded more threatening. Alas, you've inspired me to ask him next time I see him.