Thursday, April 14, 2005

PJ? I like that! You know I do! Hiss, put it on my luggage.

I like buying men's pajama pants because all of the women's pajama pants are too short for me. The other day I found some pj pants in the guys section that really had no right being there. Cute for a girl and really gay for a boy(see gay color swatch).

I bought them because I liked them, and also because I didn't want a man buying them. Jeremy's probably getting sick of seeing these pants because currently, they are the only pants that are comfortable for me to wear with my new magical expanding stomach. I'm at the the most awkward phase of pregnancy. Not looking pregnant but not being able to fit into my clothes.


I've been having my first true pregnancy craving. It's really quite unfair that my first craving had to be for a smoothie that I can only get in College Station... at A&M. The next thing I know I'll be craving Dinks in Bartlesville. Mmmmm....Dinks.



DREW! said...

What?! I've got three pair just like those!

Jeremy said...

"Jeremy's probably getting sick of seeing these pants..."

Now if that were true would I have bought my matching pair?