Thursday, January 08, 2004

It's beer o'clock, and I'm buyin'.

Hiya. Man, it feels like ages since my last blog, doesn't it? And for that, I am sorry. I really hope there are no bad feelings. Jeremy and I have been out of town a lot since he has been on break-- and I am leaving for Tyler again today. Oy! It will be cool though because I get to see Jeremy (who has been off to California since Tuesday,) I get to see Gus Jr. (do I really have to call him Andrew?), and I get to attend The Ben's wedding!

So about that "subject"... that's what my boss said when it was "quittin' time" yesterday. "All right let's go! It's beer thirty." I've heard tell of people using that phrase, but had never witnessed it in it's full glory. It was beautiful.

I have a feeling this won't be the last you'll hear of me today.

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