Charlie Emerson Butler
Born January 18th 1:48 pm
Saturday night I started having contractions. We went to the hospital at 8:30...they admitted me and in about five hours, Charlie was born! He weighed 9 lbs 3 oz and was 21 3/4 inches long. It was all way too easy. After it was over, I felt a bit guilty when people said "good job, Amy!" I really didn't do much. I got an epidural when I was at 6 cm and the pain wasn't even that bad. Then before I knew it, they said it was time to push. He came out and I wasn't tired or in pain. I just kept commenting on how it shouldn't be that easy. I'll take credit for enduring the discomfort of pregnancy and the pain of post-labor recovery (ouch), but the labor and delivery itself was a complete cake-walk.
Charlie is such a handsome little guy. Now that he is a couple of days old, he's really starting to look a lot like Jack when he was a newborn. Jack and Evie are very excited about him. Jack particularly. He kisses him all the time and is constantly saying "I love Charlie." Whenever he sees me walk into the room, it seems new to him that I am no longer pregnant. "There's not a baby in mommy's tummy anymore!"
Here is a video and some pictures. We didn't take many at the hospital with my camera. Hopefully I'll be posting some from Tammy's camera soon. But for now, I'm gonna go take a nap.
(Particularly great is the 3:54 mark)
I am simultaneously laughing and almost crying at the cuteness of minute 3:54. I yuv Charlie too!
But, um, who is Pete?
Pete is Jack, Evie and Charlie's 9 month old cousin.
Yes! You are right. You win the door prize.
"Moms shop at Target."
Choosy moms shop at Target.
Oh my gosh, Amy! I am crying... they are soooooo sweet! ALL of your babies :O) I am so happy for you :O)
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