Friday, March 13, 2009

Au contraire, 'Etagere.

Thanks to my mother-in-law for educating my mind this past weekend. I had never heard the word "'Etagere" before, but apparently it is another word for bookshelf. And so I post it here for all of you readers, to add another word to your vocabulary, if it wasn't there already.

We had a great time (as always) with Jeremy's family. Jeremy had training in Spring on Tuesday, so we used it as an excuse for a long weekend... a really long weekend because we added two days to Jeremy's days off. We were able to spend five days in Texas! Very nice. And since I am a complete doofus, I forgot to take pictures while we were there. Maybe I have some on my camera or my phone. I'll have to check on that. Anyhow, it was very delightul (it is extremely difficult typing the letter F on this laptop, so forgive me for any F related typos.) As I was saying it was very delightul, except or the last day. Little Evie got pretty sick (high fever, vomiting, some sort o mini-seizure...) No bueno. So we drove back home and she has been eeling much better. Now we are all ive o us dealing with colds.

On the way back from Kingwood, Jeremy got to experience an embarrassing parenting moment. We stopped at a gas station to use the restroom and Jeremy took Jack to the men's room. While Jack was using the restroom, a man came in and occupied the stall next to them. When he sat down, Jack, upon seeing the man's shoes said "who's that, Daddy?" (Mind you, Jack only recently became a potty-trained citizen so using a public restroom is a bit foreign to him.) Jeremy said "That's a guy." Jack said "Is he using the bathroom?" Jeremy tried not to laugh and said "yes." Soon after that, I guess the man started really taking care of some "business." Jack said "Is he tooting?" And before Jeremy could say anything Jack said "he's tooting really loud!"

Sorry, I don't mean to turn my blog into one of those humor sections from Reader's Digest. I just find some of these situations too amusing not to share.


Unknown said...

oh my gosh the jack in the bathroom story had us cracking up!

AnnaJ said...

LOL!!!! LOVE it!!!

jasien said...

Amy! I love reading this stuff. It's gold I tell you, Gold! Makes me wonder what Henry is going to do. Ah, I can't wait.

Amy Butler said...

Yep, before too long I'll be reading crazy stuff like this on your blog! (Give 'em hell, Henry!)