Thursday, February 14, 2008

God has papers too.

When I was younger my Mom used to sing a song from Music Machine to me and my siblings to help fight impatience (Who am I kidding, she still does.)

Have patience
Have patience
Don't be in such a hurry
When you get impatient
You only start to worry
Remember, remember
that God is patient too
And think of all the times when others
Have to wait on you

Well, I guess it really carried over to my parenting style, but I sing this to Jack anytime he is having a hard time waiting for me to bring him his food, or his milk, or whatever. Well, this morning I was making Jack some special Valentines Day Malt-O-Meal (pink sprinkles on top in the shape of a heart.) He was impatiently whining so I said "hold on, Jack. It's almost done." To my surprise he started singing the song! Normally he won't perform for me when I try filming him, but he agreed to sing the Patience song for the camera. Then as soon as I finished filming him, he wanted to pray for his food, so I hit record again.

Disclaimer: Many of you may find the following videos boring. I am, more than anything, posting them for family members that do not get to witness the everyday goings on of my children.

In case you can't tell, he mumbles thanks for Daddy, Mommy and Evie and then says "Amen" at the end. It's funny b/c with the rush of trying to get food on the table and Jack and Evie in their highchairs, and appeasing Evie while we eat, we often forget to pray for the food-- but Jack always reminds us. He holds out his hands (to be held) and says "pray."

The hard thing about being a mom is trying to decide between what other people may agree is adorable and what others may find completely boring. I think this next video can go either way, but I'm posting it anyway! Evie just starting eating soft little food, like crackers and fruit and veggie puffs. I think it is so cute when babies eat, just awkwardly smacking their gums. it or don't.


Silverthornes said...

are you kidding me? I watched all of the videos and wanted to see more! Really though, I love that Jack knows the "Have Patience" song. SO precious. AND it was so cute watching Evie eat. You are right about it looking a little awkward but oh so very cute. You got a couple of cute kiddos there.

DREW! said...

I don't know if it's due to being a proud uncle, but you could film Jack and/or Evie sleeping and I still would not be bored.

It's good to see Jack carrying on the tradition of the "Patience" song, and also good to see that he may have made the same song error I did when I was a kid: "Remember, remember that God's impatient too..."

And congrats to Evie for her skills at eating fruit puffs! Huzah!

Amber Lee said...

Bored! Ha! How else am I supposed to keep up with the going-ons at the Butler household? I say post more and more often!