Monday, January 07, 2008

Jackamo's latest obsession

You will not find anything Jack is more obsessed with than the book, "Goodnight Moon." Jeremy and I have been reading "Goodnight Moon" to Jack since he was, oh, about this old:

Within the past few weeks, Jack began reciting the whole book. When we realized what he was doing, it quickly became one of our favorite things he does. I really wish we had taped it earlier because now it has become so second nature for him that he rushes through it as fast as he can.

Well, here is the video. Please to be enjoying it.


Silverthornes said...

I love it! That is so precious. What a smart kiddo!
I know he will always love that book. You should just make him flash cards of the pages so he can recite it to you even faster. He could flash them up for Evie and get her educated on such things.

Amber Lee said...

He is so adorable!