(And yes, I know that is the subject title for Jeremy's most recent blog, but I said that line when I was on the phone with him earlier and he stole it from me, so I'm stealing it back.)
Really Jeremy's blog just made this blog a lot less significant, but I have pictures! Pictures of the snow! Ha-ha! Beat that!
Anyhow, I'll keep going with my blog in case you haven't read Jeremy's yet. He's snowed in. I'm snowed in. We're all snowed in, but, sadly, in different towns. Jeremy drove to Gillette for a job yesterday morning and was supposed to be back last night. Now it looks like the earliest he will be home is tomorrow night.
Am I missing something? Isn't winter over? "It's still just once a year, isn't it?" I mean, two days ago I was running around the park with Jack-- 65 degree weather, wearing short sleeves, and now I can't even leave my parking lot.
Earlier it was snowing so hard I was reminded of that part in Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer-- when the big blizzard hits-- and the makers of the movie, instead of taking time to make the snowfall look real, they very lazily just dumped a big bucket of fake snow on one of the houses (some of you will know what I'm talking about.) Well, it turns out that isn't just a bad effect! Sometimes God does that to little towns in Wyoming.
I know the craziness of this weather change isn't lost on any of you in Texas. I just looked at the weather for Tyler: 77 degrees. Casper: 23 degrees (wind chill: 7 degrees).
So just remember us when your enjoying your wonderfully sunny weather.
(You should open the larger version of that picture to see the extra large snow flakes.)