Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Before we unpacked any boxes, even before our bed was put together, we had to put up our tree. It has certainly helped. Having an unorganized condo with lots of boxes, it's nice to be able to look at the tree and listen to some Christmas music and actually be able to enjoy the season a little bit. It shocks me that Christmas is only a week away. I feel like I've been robbed of this Christmas season so far. We haven't been able to really get in the spirit, I don't think, anyway.

It's cold here. That seems like it would make it seem more Chritmasy, but it really doesn't to me. I don't really associate cold weather and snow with Christmas. I associate 50 degree rainy weather with Christmas. Anyhow, Jeremy got back last night with the rest of our stuff and he left everything in the U-Haul overnight, and today, when he got it all out, we found that many things were frozen. Jack's diaper wipes, and all of the almost empty bottles of beverage he consumed on the road.

And I had to include this picture. Jack found my Disneyland cap in one of our boxes and he enjoys putting it on and taking it off because it's much easier to do than with his dad's hats.


Amber Lee said...

Cold weather and snow? Looks like we made it out of Denver just in time! Merry Christmas to you and yours!

Amanda said...

that's okay Amy who needs a bed when you have a tree right? Anyway we love you guys and miss you all so much....Merry Christmas cousin!!!