Monday, August 14, 2006

On the ol' space highway

"NEVER leave your baby in an infant carrier while it goes through the X-ray machine."

Good advice. Thank you

Well, you should know this but I'll say it anyway: I'm in Texas. Jack and I are currently drifting among the Tyler/Longview area. One thing I've learned is that being a drifter is much more difficult with a baby. But I'm adjusting and I'm trying not to let that hinder my spontaneity.

I'm having a pretty good time. I gotta mention the main highlight of my trip thus far... being at the hospital when Sara's twins are born! Man, two babies at once? That's just crazy. Picture time!

Michael and Owen... those are their names.. and they're muy cute.

Let's see... do I have anything else to say? I don't think so. I'm gonna finish this so I can hang out with Hannah. Here are a couple of pictures from the first part of our trip.

We shelled peas in Tennessee!

I put this forward as evidence that overalls are ok if you are a jolly old man

"All right, Pop-Pop... let's go!"

He likes holdin' her hand.


Jeremy said...

That peas picture needs further explanation. Are y'all embarrassed to be shelling them? Or ashamed at the progress?

I just don't get it.

Amy Butler said...

The answer: You can shell peas for a long time and barely make a difference in your pea bowl. Jenna and I were shocked at the small quantity in our bowls after all that work.

Anonymous said...

So they're saying I should take my baby out of the seat before I put the baby through the x-ray machine. Good to know.