Monday, March 22, 2004

Ups and downs, strikes and gutters.

Ah yes. Back in Texas: where I belong. Jeremy and I were visiting Jon in Los Angeles (or as Jeremy likes to refer to it "New York City's gay cousin"... L.A., not Jon.) I guess I should say that I liked it more than I thought I would. I used to go to California as a youth and acquired quite a hatred for it. It turns out, it wasn't as bad as I thought, but not better either(?). I guess like most states in America, it has it's good and it has it's bad. I thought the mountains were very pretty, and they DO have Disneyland and other wonderful things, but all in all, it's the bunk. High points of the vacation: seeing a Spider Man impersonator crouch on top of a trash can on Hollywood Blvd, the whole upstairs section of the Warner Bros. museum being Harry Potter stuff, Jeremy taking my picture next to many Stars Hollow landmarks, seeing Ray Romano on the on our Warner Bros. tour, and getting a Mickey Mouse hat and then having them embroider my name on it (nice.) A couple of bad points were us driving out to Magic Mountain only to find out it was closed, and me getting sorted into Hufflepuff. Let's change the subject.

You know how sometimes you are having a bad day, but it's kind of funny? Well, firstly, my morning started off pretty bad just b/c I hate coming back to work after a week's vacation. Secondly, I sliced my thumb on my gear shift as I was leaving my house to come to work, thirdly I got stuff all over my pants on my lunch break, but didn't realize until I was out of the house, and lastly but not leastly (hehe) I had to swerve into oncoming traffic (a little less bad than it sounds) to avoid Jeremy's side of the car being hit by a BAD driver (yeah, that had me shaking for quite a while.) Anyhow, surprisingly enough, I'm in a great mood, perhaps b/c I get to pick up our CA pictures after work (and it's already 4:23.) Perhaps it's b/c I get to hang with Pidge Pie later. Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.

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